Miss Saib X Cotton On (baby blues)


I know I keep saying this but I seriously love this look below! I was pleasantly surprised to find that you could put together a good and quite decent formal (or in this case Eid) look together for guys with just two items from Cotton On!  This shirt is really amazing and such a great quality and plus, it’s great if you looking to get a full outfit on a budget!

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Miss Saib x Cotton on [My definition]



I really am such a fan of this look. I love how the different colours and textures come together so beautifully. Silk, knit, leather and tiny metal finishings make this outfit work and, I suppose that’s what fashion is all about -experimenting with different styles and ideas to create one complete look. But to me its more than just throwing something together. The right photographer and makeup artist are the true magicians here. I simply put the looks together and pose as they talk around me about the colour, temperature, exposure and light but without this team work consistent in my shoots, I would never be able to fully bring out the magic of an outfit.

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Miss Saib X Cotton On [Winter looks for guys and girls]


As you can probably tell, Cotton On is my go to store for gorgeous and easy winter looks that anyone can pull off. Their clothes can all be mixed and matched to suit your style and they are really good quality, especially the knits. In today’s post of my Cotton On series, I have decided to post two looks, one for the girls and one for the guys. These outfits are so easy and fun and are just perfect for the icy cold weather we have right now. Which one is your favorite?

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