Getting fit with Team Phenom Boxing

For as long as I can remember, boxing was a workout I was always eager to try. While I could never quite find the right class to suit my schedule, my ears always picked up at the slightest mention of boxing and, when my friends Farhaaz and Rashied started offering classes, I knew that I could finally fulfil this goal with the help of two really great trainers.

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Fitness and Fibromyalgia


It should come as no surprise that for the last 4 ½ years, I have been suffering with a disability called fibromyalgia. I have in the past, titled many posts about this topic as I shared my journey of self-discovery through it, my experience, my thoughts, my low points, my motivations and my symptoms. For those of you who don’t know, Fibromyalgia is a disorder with a throng of symptoms. One of the main one’s however is pain.

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